Weight Loss Guide

A weight loss can only be called successful if you can lose excess fat while maintaining your health and of course an end result with no stretch mark, the first thing you need to know about weight gain is that ”you can only gain weight if your calorie intake is bigger than your calorie usage” but if you think that this is the only factor on weight loss and weight gain then you are absolutely wrong, metabolism plays a bigger role in weight loss than the calorie intake-usage rule, you see metabolism is all the chemical reactions that occur in living organisms, including digestion and the transport of substances into and between different cells, in which case the set of reactions within the cells is called intermediary metabolism or intermediate metabolism, metabolism is usually divided into two categories. Catabolism breaks down organic matter, for example to harvest energy in cellular respiration. Anabolism uses energy to construct components of cells such as proteins and nucleic acids.

The first thing you need to know is your ”Basal Metabolic Rate” which is how much your body turn fat into energy at complete rest, below is the equation.

P = \left ( \frac {10.0 m} {1 ~ \mbox {kg}} + \frac {6.25 h} {1 ~ \mbox {cm}} - \frac {5.0 a} {1 ~ \mbox {year}} + s \right ) \frac {\mbox {kcal}} {\mbox {day}}
Where s is +5 for males and −161 for females.

If you can’t understand the above equation you can try using this one

Women: BMR = 655+( 9.6 x weight in kilos )+( 1.8 x height in cm )- (4.7 x age in years )

Men: BMR = 66+( 13.7 x weight in kilos )+( 5 x height in cm )-( 6.8 x age in years )

Once you’re done counting you basal metabolic rate try to adjust your calorie intake so that it’ll not overcome your basal metabolic rate.

Another thing you need to know is that to lose 1 pound you will need to burn 3500 calories, in which to lose 1 kg you will need to burn 7700 calories, say you plan on losing 15 pounds then 3500 multiplied by 15 would be 52500 calories, which is a tremendous amount of energy, you will need to be able to maintain a long-term weight loss to be able to lose considerable amount of fat, say you cut off about 500 calories from you basal metabolic rate and burning 1000 calories by exercising that’ll mean 1500 calories a day, so 52500 : 1500 = 35 days, you will need to keep this kind of weight loss for 35 days for 15 pounds of fat to lose.

Since metabolism is the biggest factor on weight loss, then boosting your metabolism will be very contributing to you weight loss, there are many things you can do to increase your metabolism but many of it are too little of boosting to actually impact your metabolism, but there are still few that will be a great boost for your weight loss plan in which are


Chili Peppers

Hot foods like peppers help your body burn more calories. The spiciness in these hot foods elevates your body temperature and makes your heart beat at an elevated rate, requiring energy. Chili peppers get their kick from capsaicin. However, if you aren’t ready for such a hit, try red peppers, which also have capsaicin. Add chili peppers to batter before baking savory breads, or chop them up and add them to vegetable side dishes. Wash your hands after handling the pepper, as contact with the face and eyes can cause irritation.

 Curry Powder

Curry is any dish that is spiced with curry powder, which is a combination of spices, including turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper or cumin. Curry powder boosts metabolism like peppers do; it raises your heart rate and temperature. Try curry powders with turmeric, whose medicinal properties, derived mostly from the underground rhizomes of a ginger-like plant, improve the metabolism of fats. Add curry powder to your noodle bowl, vegetable dish or homemade stir fry. If you don’t like curry powder, simply add turmeric to your dishes.


Ginger, a widely used spice developed from the ginger root, operates much like curry and peppers. It raises your body temperature and increases heart rate. Use ginger in pasta or vegetable dishes, or in a marinade for lean meats, like turkey and chicken breasts. Spice up your beverages, too; ginger is commonly used as a flavoring in water and black and green teas.

Fruits and Veggies

Lemons, Limes and Oranges

Citrus fruits that contain vitamin C, such as oranges, limes and lemons, can help boost metabolism. This is because vitamin C is required for several processes to function properly, including the l-tyrosine metabolism. L-tyrosine is an amino acid that helps speed up the body’s metabolism. Try grapefruit, kiwi and tomatoes to increase vitamin C intake. Eat the fruits whole or cut them up and place them in yogurt, cereals and oatmeal. Try adding fresh tomatoes to salads or cooked ones to veggie dishes.


Legumes are a class of vegetables that includes peas, beans and lentils, notes Mayoclinic.com. Legumes contain a variety of nutrients, such as magnesium and thiamine, a B vitamin. These nutrients are needed for energy metabolism. Legumes, such as lentils, black beans, kidney beans and fava beans, are often used in stews, but you can also use them casseroles and pasta dishes. Sprinkle chickpeas, edamame and soybeans on salads.

The Acai Berry

The acai berry is associated with boosting metabolism because of its  properties. Fruit contains simple sugars, which the body can easily burn and  convert into energy. The fiber content of berries also helps the body stay  satiated longer. This combination of quick sugar for fuel coupled with  slow-burning fiber is a winning combination for your body’s metabolic rate. As  explained by certified nutrition counselor Leanne Ely in a Diet.com article,  berries are a great way to boost metabolism by getting one’s fiber intake with  few calories.

The Thyroid Gland

The thyroid gland is the ultimate gland that controls metabolism, it can decrease your metabolism to a degree where not eating would still cause you to gain weight and increase it to a degree where you can eat anything you want and still lose weight, the main key to increase your thyroid gland function is to consume enough iodine everyday.


An active body would likely to burn more fat each day and on the other hand an inactive body would hardly burn anything, you need to at least walk 30 minutes a day as this will triple or quadruple your metabolism.


90% of chemical reaction in the body happens inside water, drink at least 3 ounces of water depending on your weight.

Unique way to boost your metabolism

SPINNING – Spinning to balance hormones for rapid weight loss as balanced
hormones are a key factor in losing weight. Since most people don’t have
balanced hormones, most people are fat and have a hard time losing weight.
Spinning is increasingly becoming a really popular way to lose weight due to the
fact that it balances the hormones naturally and quickly.

So if you spin around in a circle… much like what kids do
naturally, you can unleash your body’s own natural ability to lose weight
quickly and efficiently even if you don’t change your diet or exercising. So get
spinning! It only takes 15 seconds.

And that’s that, i suggest keeping a precise record of calories you’ve burned for better planning will keep you on a more stable weight loss plan.

About Noelle Windstorm

There is really nothing that important about me aside from the fact that i love blogging, gaming, and browsing the internet, just enjoy your time here, and don't forget to ask me anything.
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